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2024 PSNPA Board of Directors Seeking New Members

Posted 12 months ago by Darene Burnam in Board Election

Board of Director members (BOD) are pivotal to the growth and success of the Puget Sound Practitioner Association (PSNPA).  We are seeking new BOD members to help revitalize PSNPA.  If you have fresh ideas, enjoy working with other NPs, and are interested in expanding the social networking opportunities for NPs in the Puget Sound area, we encourage you to consider being a board member.   Five board positions are available:

Vice-President and Secretary (2-year terms) and 3 “at-Large” board members Position #1, #3, and #5 (2-year term).  


Vice-President: In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall act as the President and execute those duties as outlined above. The Vice-President shall oversee all elections.

Secretary shall attend meetings and record minutes and attendance for both the general membership and the board, maintain current address list of members, and serve as archivist for association. 

At-Large members duties would include, membership recruitment, website update, social media website monitoring, attend education sponsored dinners if available, or/and assisting with social networking activities.

Please email the board at regarding the position you are interested with your bio (brief) by April 15, 2024.